25 businesses you can start and run from your home

Thursday, September 4, 2008

6 Things To Know Before Hiring A Public Relations Firm

Don’t jump blindly into the arms of a public relations firm that doesn’t understand your goals and vision for your growing company. Just because your friend of a friend had a great experience with XYZ PR firm it doesn’t mean that XYZ firm is a perfect fit for you.

But before you begin the task of interviewing a prospective pr firm save yourself some time and headache by knowing what your goals are and how they will fit in with your business’ marketing plan. These tips will assist you in identifying your goals and using those goals to find the right pr firm that will suit your budget, reach potential customers and create much needed publicity.

1. BUDGET - Knowing what you can afford will help you narrow down what type of firm to hire and what sorts of promotions you can implement. There are some pr firms that charge up to $30,000 to implement a 3-month campaign plan. If 30K is too pricey for your company’s budget focus on smaller firms or independent freelance professionals. You can also ask for individual services such as a press release or press kit to start your pr efforts on a limited budget.

2. AUDIENCE - Know your target market and who it is you need to reach. Many pr firms work in niche markets and have an array of connections with media contacts in their particular industry. If you own a restaurant, look for a firm that has had prior experience working with other restaurants.

3. TIME - When are you looking to start your pr campaign? Is there a major event your company holds? Give your prospective firm time to design an effective campaign plan for you. Also, make sure you correspond with your pr firm in a timely manner. Get them what they need as soon as possible. Editors of magazines are always working on a deadline. It is the job of a pr professional to deliver their clients’ materials before the closing deadline. Your level of cooperation also dictates how effective your pr efforts will be.

4. FLEXIBILITY- How creative are you willing to be in your public relations efforts? Would you like your employees to wear chicken suits and handout brochures outside of your place of business? Do you feel comfortable wearing your company’s logo on your forehead? If these things are right up your ally search for a pr company that is known for using creative tactics to gain media attention.

5. END GOALS AND EXPECTATIONS– Know what you want to accomplish at the end of your campaign. Is it an increase in sales? Do you want more media attention? Knowing what you are looking for in an end result will set a standard and expectation for your pr company to follow.

6. COMMUNICATION PREFERENCES - Establish communication preferences between you and the firm. If you work around the clock and you're hard pressed for time, how will your firm communicate with you to get the information they need? Know if you prefer to be emailed, faxed or given a phone call during certain times of the day. If you are unavailable, designate a person to share the responsibility in staying in communication with your firm.

You know your company best. Know your goals and expectations. Find the right pr company that fits them and ultimately build a dynamic, team-oriented relationship that will suit your business’ needs.

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